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Чистый -
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ECLS Command-line scanner, version, (C) 1992-2010 ESET, spol. s r.o.
Module loader, version 1037 (20110921), build 1044
Module perseus, version 1342 (20120220), build 1444
Module scanner, version 6954 (20120309), build 10980
Module archiver, version 1140 (20120210), build 1103
Module advheur, version 1121 (20111208), build 1081
Command line: --base-dir=c:\Program Files\ESET\ESET NOD32 Antivirus /log-rewrite /log-all /files /no-boots /no-heur /no-adv-heur /mail /sfx /rtp /adware /unsafe /unwanted /pattern /action=none /no-quarantine /log-file=c:\scanner\output.tmp AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe
Scan started at: 03/07/12 14:55:52
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - setup.data", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - files.info", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin - CHM - /#ITBITS", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin - CHM - ::DataSpace/NameList", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin - CHM - ::DataSpace/Storage/MSCompressed/Transform/List", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin - CHM - ::DataSpace/Storage/MSCompressed/SpanInfo", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin - CHM - ::DataSpace/Storage/MSCompressed/ControlData", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin - CHM - ::DataSpace/Storage/MSCompressed/Transform/{7FC28940-9D31-11D0-9B27-00A0C91E9C7C}/InstanceData/ResetTable", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin - CHM - /#SYSTEM", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin - CHM - ::DataSpace/Storage/MSCompressed/Content", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
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name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin - CHM - /autocorect.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin - CHM - /fisier.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin - CHM - /meniuleditare.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin - CHM - /meniulinsert.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin - CHM - /meniulinstrumente.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin - CHM - /meniulformatare.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin - CHM - /meniultabel.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin - CHM - /meniulfereastra.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
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name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin - CHM - /configurarepunctuatie.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin - CHM - /configurarediacritice.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin - CHM - /configurareortografie.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin - CHM - /configuraremonitorizareclipboard.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin - CHM - /configuraregeneral.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin - CHM - /deschidefisier.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
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name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin - CHM - /salvarefisier.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
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name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin - CHM - /salvareca.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin - CHM - /cautare.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin - CHM - /cautasiinlocuieste.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
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name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin - CHM - /modificadupacaz.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin - CHM - /numardepagina.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin - CHM - /lista.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin - CHM - /simbol.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin - CHM - /punctuatie.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin - CHM - /aplicadiacritice.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin - CHM - /ortografie.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin - CHM - /monitorizareclipboard.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin - CHM - /dex.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin - CHM - /font.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin - CHM - /paragraf.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
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name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin - CHM - /alinierecontinutcelula.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin - CHM - /imbinarecelule.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin - CHM - /conversieceluleintext.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin - CHM - /grila.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin - CHM - /parametritabel.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin - CHM - /divizarecelula.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
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name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin - CHM - /formatefisiere.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin - CHM - /import.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin - CHM - /export.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin - CHM - /suportortografic.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin - CHM - /aliniere.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
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name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin - CHM - /sterge-formatarile-din-subtitrare.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin - CHM - /setari-suplimentare.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin - CHM - /acronime.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
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name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin - CHM - /cuvinte-internationale.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin - CHM - /conversie-diacritice-sedila-2-virgula.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin - CHM - /conversie-diacritice-din-virgula-in-sedila.html", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
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name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin - CHM - /HOME.GIF", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
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name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin - CHM - /arrow_left_green.gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin - CHM - /AutoCorect.hhc", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin - CHM - /AutoCorect.hhk", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
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name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin - CHM - /autocorectb4.PNG", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
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name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin - CHM - /autocorectb11.PNG", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin - CHM - /autocorectb12.PNG", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
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name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin - CHM - /fisierb3.PNG", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin - CHM - /fisierb4.PNG", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin - CHM - /fisierb5.PNG", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin - CHM - /fisierb6.PNG", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
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name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin - CHM - /fisierb8.PNG", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
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name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin - CHM - /meniuleditareb3.PNG", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin - CHM - /meniuleditareb4.PNG", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin - CHM - /meniuleditareb5.PNG", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
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name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin - CHM - /suportortograficb2.PNG", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
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name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin - CHM - /setari-suplimentareb2.PNG", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin - CHM - /setari-suplimentareb3.PNG", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin - CHM - /#WINDOWS", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin - CHM - /#IVB", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
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name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin - CHM - /$WWKeywordLinks/Data", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin - CHM - /$WWKeywordLinks/Map", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin - CHM - /$WWKeywordLinks/Property", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin - CHM - /$WWAssociativeLinks/Property", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin - CHM - /$OBJINST", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin - CHM - /$FIftiMain", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin - CHM - /#IDXHDR", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin - CHM - /#TOPICS", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
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name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0000.bin - CHM - /#STRINGS", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0001.bin", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0002.bin", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0003.bin", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0004.bin", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0005.bin", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0006.bin", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0007.bin", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0008.bin", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0009.bin", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0010.bin", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0011.bin", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0012.bin", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0013.bin", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0014.bin", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0015.bin", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0016.bin", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0017.bin", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0018.bin", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0019.bin", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0020.bin", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0021.bin", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0022.bin", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0023.bin", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0024.bin", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0025.bin", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0026.bin", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0027.bin", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0028.bin", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0029.bin", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0030.bin", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0031.bin", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0032.bin", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0033.bin", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0034.bin", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0035.bin", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0036.bin", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0037.bin", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0038.bin", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0039.bin", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0040.bin", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0041.bin", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0042.bin", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0043.bin", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0044.bin", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0045.bin", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0046.bin", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0047.bin", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0048.bin", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0049.bin", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0050.bin", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0051.bin", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0052.bin", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0053.bin", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0054.bin", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0055.bin", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0056.bin", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0057.bin", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0058.bin", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0059.bin", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0060.bin", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0061.bin", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0062.bin", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0063.bin", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="AutoCorect-4.1.5.exe - INNO - file0064.bin", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
Scan completed at: 03/07/12 14:57:40
Scan time: 108 sec (0:01:48)
Total: files - 1, objects 279
Infected: files - 0, objects 0
Cleaned: files - 0, objects 0
Общие рекомендации по безопасности
1. Установка антивируса
Чтобы ваш компьютер не был заражен вредоносными программами, мы рекомендуем всегда устанавливать антивирусную программу, особенно при загрузке и установке новых программ из Интернета. Не реже одного раза в день запускайте программу обновления базы данных. Это позволит вашему антивирусу оставаться в курсе последних вредоносных угроз и лучше защищать данные вашего компьютера.
Если у вас нет мощного антивирусного решения, уже защищающего ваш компьютер, вы должны установить его из наших рекомендаций: Avast Free, AVG Free, Avira Free, Bitdefender, Kaspersky (50% Discount), NOD32.
2. Выберите безопасный веб-браузер
Важным аспектом, который следует иметь в виду, является использование веб-браузера. Большинство браузеров и вирусов нацелены на Internet Explorer, поэтому лучше всего рассмотреть альтернативу. Самые безопасные веб-браузеры, доступные сегодня, считаются Mozilla Firefox и Google Chrome. Помимо того, что они бесплатны, они бывают быстрыми, имеют всплывающие блокировки, просмотр с вкладками, с функциями конфиденциальности и безопасности. Попробуйте: Скачать Mozilla Firefox or Скачать Google Chrome.
3. Подробнее о защите ПК
Эти статьи должны помочь вам (английский):
- - Our Chart of Top Dumb Ways to Mess Up Your PC
- - PC improvement tips for National Clean Out Your Computer Day (or any other day)
- - The Crucial Actions to take when using a new Windows PC for the first time
- - Introduction to Sandboxed Browsing
- - Will Clearing Your Browser's Cache Actually Improve Your Browsing Experience?
- - Browser Hijacking Signs and How To Clean-up
- - Comprehensive Guide to Secure Passwords
- - Two-Factor Authentication Explained - Protecting Your Accounts With More Than Just a Password
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